Sunday, March 17, 2002

Sometimes I ask myself

Sometimes I ask myself If there was no need to think Where would emotions take seed? Sometimes I ask myself If we didn’t breathe Would the air still be pollution free? Sometimes I ask myself If we didn’t see Would the light refract off me Sometimes I ask myself If our physical bodies didn’t exist Would it matter to you and me? Sometimes I ask myself If we were not born Would we still look upwards and pray Something I ask myself If there were no words Would this be my poetry?

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Eye Opener

Kicking up the dust On this road travel I must Memories still shine through the rust Life weathered like my soles crust Those days of peace and slumber Lost to the heights of the climber Action, the name of my new number Fallacy, I’m your most diligent member Evading the blizzards a fine art Have now become my inherent part Meticulous with the precision of a dart Sinister the ways of the heart How have I come to believe? That I’m better than I really live Soon it’ll be time for me to leave On life’s carpet my life they’ll forget to weave Will I realize then My life this way they treat when I’ve been the biggest failure amongst all men And all my travails rated none on ten